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Since the beginning of the computer age, people have always enjoyed making computers talk to them. These days, that functionality is built right into Windows and you can easily use it to have your PC read documents to you.

自计算机时代开始以来,人们一直喜欢使计算机与他们交谈。 如今,该功能已内置在Windows中,您可以轻松地使用它来让PC读取文档。

Using the text to speech functionality of your computer can save you a lot of time if you need to study for tests, read books, review reports, or if you are just feel like listening instead of reading. While the voice may sound computer generated, there is always the option of downloading new SAPI-compatible voice profiles from various sites on the Internet, though most of them aren’t free.

如果您需要学习测试,阅读书籍,查看报告,或者只是想听而不是阅读,那么使用计算机的文本语音转换功能可以节省大量时间。 尽管语音可能听起来是计算机生成的,但始终可以选择从Internet的各个站点下载兼容SAPI的新语音配置文件,尽管其中大多数不是免费的。

Most Windows PCs are equipped with at least two American English voices (one male, one female). Many computers also offer a variety of voices that are fluent in different languages. By accessing the settings through your control panel, which we will discuss later on, you can adjust the pitch, speed, and volume of your computer’s SAPI voice.

大多数Windows PC至少配备两种美国英语声音(一男一女)。 许多计算机还提供多种不同语言的语音。 通过控制面板访问设置(稍后将进行讨论),您可以调整计算机SAPI语音的音调,速度和音量。

In this article, we’re going to cover how get your PC to interpret the two most common types of documents most people use—PDFs and Word documents—and speak their contents to you. We’ll also talk a bit about fine-tuning your PC’s voice.

在本文中,我们将介绍如何使您的PC解释大多数人使用的两种最常见的文档类型(PDF和Word文档)并与您交谈。 我们还将讨论有关微调PC声音的内容。

让Adobe Reader向您阅读PDF文档 (Have Adobe Reader to Read PDF Documents to You)

Adobe Reader is the default choice for many people for viewing PDF files. While it Adobe Reader became bloated over the years, recent versions are better and fairly pleasant to use. Adobe Reader can also read documents to you. If you don’t already have Reader installed, head to the . Make sure to uncheck their optional McAffee downloads, and then click the “Install Now” button.

Adobe Reader是许多人查看PDF文件的默认选择。 尽管Adobe Reader多年来变得肿,但最近的版本却更好,而且使用起来也很愉快。 Adobe Reader也可以向您阅读文档。 如果尚未安装Reader,请转到。 确保取消选中其可选的McAffee下载,然后单击“立即安装”按钮。

Note: Adobe Reader also installs browser plugins to integrate PDF tools into your browser. If you prefer not to use that, you can follow , disabling the “Adobe Acrobat” plug-in.

注意: Adobe Reader还会安装浏览器插件,以将PDF工具集成到浏览器中。 如果您不想使用它,则可以按照,即禁用“ Adob​​e Acrobat”插件。

When you’ve installed Reader, open up a PDF file that you’d like the computer to read to you. Open the “View” menu, point to the “Read Out Loud” submenu, and then click the “Activate Read Out Loud” command. You can also hit Ctrl+Shift+Y to activate the feature.

安装Reader后,请打开您要计算机读取的PDF文件。 打开“查看”菜单,指向“大声读出”子菜单,然后单击“激活大声读出”命令。 您也可以按Ctrl + Shift + Y激活该功能。

With the Read Out Loud feature activated, you can click a single paragraph to have Windows read it aloud to you. A progress bar appears on screen to let you know how far through the selection you are.

启用“朗读”功能后,您可以单击一个段落以使Windows朗读它。 屏幕上会出现一个进度条,让您知道选择的范围。

You can also choose other options by returning to the View > Read Out Loud menu. There, you can have Reader read the current page, read from the current location to the end of the document, or pause, stop, and play the reading. You can also deactivate the Read Out Lout feature if you’re done with it.

您还可以通过返回“视图”>“大声读出”菜单来选择其他选项。 在这里,您可以让Reader阅读当前页面,从当前位置阅读文档的末尾,或者暂停,停止和播放阅读内容。 完成后,您也可以停用“读出标注”功能。

让Microsoft Word向您阅读Word文档 (Have Microsoft Word to Read Word Documents to You)

If you have .doc, .docx, or .txt files that you want your computer to read to you instead, you can do that right in Microsoft Word.

如果您要让计算机读取给您的.doc,.docx或.txt文件,则可以在Microsoft Word中执行此操作。

It’s easiest to start by adding the Speak command right to the Quick Access toolbar at the top of the Word window. Click the small down arrow at the right of the Quick Access toolbar, and then click the “More Commands” option.

最简单的方法是在Word窗口顶部的“快速访问”工具栏上添加“说话”命令。 单击快速访问工具栏右侧的小向下箭头,然后单击“更多命令”选项。

In the “Word Options” window, click the “Choose Commands From” dropdown, and then choose the “All Commands” option. On the list of commands, scroll down, and then select the “Speak” command. Click the “Add” button, and then click “OK” to close the window.

在“ Word选项”窗口中,单击“选择命令来源”下拉菜单,然后选择“所有命令”选项。 在命令列表上,向下滚动,然后选择“说”命令。 单击“添加”按钮,然后单击“确定”关闭窗口。

If you look at the Quick Access toolbar, you’ll see that the Speak command has been added (the small “message box” icon with a play symbol).


In your Word document, select some text. You can select a word, paragraph, entire page, or just hit Ctrl+A to select the whole document. Click the “Speak” button you added to have Word read your selection to you.

在您的Word文档中,选择一些文本。 您可以选择一个单词,一个段落,整个页面,或者只需按Ctrl + A即可选择整个文档。 单击添加的“说”按钮,以使Word读取您的选择。

调整语音设置 (Adjust Voice Settings)

If your computer’s speech sounds too computer generated, or if it speaks too quickly, you can adjust the settings. Hit Start, type “Narrator” into the search box, and then click the result.

如果计算机的语音听起来太计算机生成,或者说的太快,则可以调整设置。 单击开始,在搜索框中键入“ Narrator”,然后单击结果。

Note: While you have the Narrator tool open, Windows will read out loud everything you do—every thing you click or type, window titles, everything. If it bugs you while you’re configuring settings, just mute your PC.

注意:打开“讲述人”工具后,Windows会大声读出您所做的一切—单击或键入的所有内容,窗口标题以及所有内容。 如果在配置设置时出现问题,只需将PC静音即可。

In the “Narrator” window, click the “Voice Settings” option.


On the “Voice” page, you can set the voice speed, volume, and pitch to your liking. You can also choose different voices you have installed.

在“语音”页面上,您可以根据自己的喜好设置语音速度,音量和音调。 您还可以选择已安装的其他声音。

When you’re done, close the Narrator tool (so that it’s not reading everything to you) and go test it out in your PDF or Word document.


You can also use Narrator to read other types of documents (like web pages) to you. It can be a bit clunky to work with, since it wants to read everything (including interface text) to you, but you might find it useful at times.

您还可以使用“讲述人”向您阅读其他类型的文档(例如网页)。 使用它可能有点笨拙,因为它想向您阅读所有内容(包括界面文本),但是有时您会发现它很有用。



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